Monique Stock

Founder and Managing Director of Change Dynamics

Monique Stock is the founder and Managing Director of Change Dynamics, which opened in 1995.

Before realising her dream of becoming an entrepreneur, Monique worked in the corporate world for 16 years at both operational and management levels.

Monique’s purpose is to use her passion and expertise to change the world one mind at a time.  To achieve this she now uses her extensive experience to work with individuals, as well as organisations, to achieve peak performance.

Monique consults, teaches, writes and coaches and is also a motivational speaker. She has also been a Professional Associate with the University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) since 2007.

She is currently in the process of writing two books that have long been on her personal bucket list…one a “how to” on Coaching and the other a “how to” on Personal Mastery.

Keep an eye out … or listen out for…or keep in touch… to find out more…

Current Roles

June 1995 - Present

Founder and Managing Director of Change Dynamics

2008 - Present

Part-time faculty with Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS)

2009 - Present

Part-time faculty with University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB-ED)

Previous Roles

1992 - 1995

Manpower Development Manager (Edgars)

1989 - 1992

Freelance Training & Development Consultant

1985 - 1989

Training Manager (Sales House)

June 1984 - Dec 1984

Personnel Administration Officer (Sappi)

1979 - 1984

Personnel Officer (OK Bazaars)


Storyteller 100%
Coaching 100%
Workshops 100%
Consulting 100%



Bachelor of Arts (University of Cape Town) 1976-1978


Master Trainer and Facilitator certificated by Development Dimensions International, U.S.A.


Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner (INLPTA – international qualification)


Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner (Society of NLP - international qualification)


Certified Developmental Behavioural Modelling Master Practitioner (international qualification)


Certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming (Professional Guild of NLP international qualification)


Certificate in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy


Symbolic Modelling Practitioner


Lifeline Counsellor


Language and Behaviour Profiling (LAB Profile) consultant and trainer (international qualification)


Certified action learning coach (World Institute of Action learning)


SDI Level One Qualified Facilitator


Consciousness Coaching levels 1-2 certification